Sunday 27 July 2008

People pile!

Awesome socks!

Saturday 26 July 2008

Saturday 12 July 2008

And suddenly it rains!

Still kiting...

I was sure he said kittens...

Into the blue...

Sky and BBC weather agree for once...

It's spiiiiiiting!!!!

More kitey stuff

Awesome kite was awesome...

Gav Launches Kite

which I bring crashing down on his head two minutes later..

Friday 11 July 2008


It's a Trap...

Chis.... Sometimes attempted lodger...

Attempted being the operative word!:)

Rach and Karthik the Curry Master...

Using his considerable skills on the ladies once again!

Karthik's cousin...

Lukie moves in for the kill...

While Danielle remains unaware...

Jigna... again...

... after downing 3 drinks in a row!



Celebrating his escape.

Miss Crannalanadingdong...

Watch out for that back wash missy!!!

Soggy Gav

Saturday 5 July 2008

Doing the Nasty in Heaven Apparently!

Bright lights are Bright.

I raise this hand...

... and push play with the other!

Getting good visuals off this!

Mister FSB takes to the stage...

and no Gav, that's not Front Side Bus!

My Turn!!!

We found bouncey things...

So let's bounce:)


and died...

Sky... Up there...

The small but perfectly formed crowd at JXL.

Shouting lager lager lager...

Well the 20k people who were trying to fit in the Sandisk Tent were.  We were boogying to Mister XL.

Junkie XL

Best thing all night, and seen by very few!

Where the magic happens!

errr.. 4 more beers?


It's what we do best!


You're embarrasing me!

Table service? At my Festival?

It's more likely than you think!
4 More beers please!

Headless BMX Bandits...

... were a bigger problem than I expected. =/

Ball Control...

They haz it!

The little o2 stage...

Where lots of good stuff happened.

The Crowd Gathers...

... whilst we remain unmoved in our seats.


...after two beers!

Spotted indeed:)

We have arrived!

Beer time it is then:-)

Thursday 3 July 2008


We don't need no stinking bhajis!
(cept we do really...and they were rather nice... Cheers Karthik)

Yes. Those ones there!

Next up chilli bhajis. Eek!

Those green things

Will be the end of my end!

Wednesday 2 July 2008

Way up in the god's...(Sadler's Wells)

All kinds of eek. As I'm now positioned about 300 feet in the air. Hurry up dancing people!